Friday, February 13, 2009

Pub culture and Pink panties

If you are a smart businessman, you can do two things at this time. Start a website, which would deliver pink panties to Pramod Muthalik or say that you are from Ram sena and ask women to deliver pink panties to your house and later sell it. Or you could do both.

On a serious note, Muthalik does not want pub culture in India, especially women going to pubs. I don’t understand his logic? Culture, is not a static. It evolves. It is not in our culture, to wear pants and shirts, to build high rise buildings, to play cricket etc etc. But we have adopted all these. Either we were forced to adopt, or we did it voluntarily. But these have become a part of our culture. On the contrary, beating women is also not in our culture. But he prefers to follow that. Funny, is it not?

People like Muthalik and Raj thackearay (I don’t want to Google and spell his name correctly…..It was not worth it), just want to be in the limelight. Hence they make such statements. Who would have known Muthalik if he had not done such things to women in the Mangalore pub? Its one thing whether you want women to go to pub or not. But it is not fair enough to beat them when they go to pubs. If he wants to really curb this culture, he should have taken measures to go and demolish all the pubs in the country. Does he have the guts to do that?

Women in our country are also not far behind Muthalik. They have started pink chaddi campaign to send pink chaddi to Muthalik. ( I do not know what purpose this would serve. If I am in his position, I would have welcomed this move. I would have collected all pink panties and give it for auction. It would fetch far more money in sotheby’s if given for auction.

Our country has far more numerous issues to tackle. Pub culture and pink panties are the least of all the headaches. But we all need some entertainment in our fast paced lives. So let’s sit, relax, watch and enjoy all these nonsense.

Happy Valentines day.

1 comment:

Mohan (a) Varadharajan said...

These so called "culture guys" show no culture in their whole behavior. They certainly don't have the right to talk about any culture and certainly not Lord Ram. Rama was willing to forgive Ravana, and these guys are beating up women who did no wrong to them. You are right, they only want attention. If at all he wants people to change it has to be through other means, certainly not this!